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TPA responds to public questions on the draft Environment Assessment for the Pedestrian Tunnel


You Asked Us – The TPA Responds to Public Questions

On November 30, TPA staff met with members of the public at the Radisson Hotel to discuss the draft Environmental Assessment on the Proposed Pedestrian Tunnel. These are the answers to the questions posed at that meeting.

Q1: Can the TPA project team provide a written commitment explaining that the Canadian Airport Authority EA process does not apply to this project?

If it does apply, the written statement should indicate how the screening process would differ under the Canadian Airport Authority EA, and note any difference in conclusions.

A1: There is no "Canadian Airport Authority EA" process. The TPA is following the specific process that is required by the Canada Port Authority EA Regulations. The requirements for this process, which was created specifically for port authorities, are based on and similar to those required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

Q2: Can you provide a written statement that the TPA will not use Stadium Road for construction and truck traffic during construction of the pedestrian/services tunnel?

Request to provide this statement in the Screening Report document.

A2: The Toronto Port Authority would – if it decides to go ahead with the project – be directing contractors to use Eireann Quay, which is the most direct route. Stadium Road does not lead directly to the proposed construction site. According to Dillon Consulting, this will be part of the project documentation that would be provided to the successful contractor.

Q3: Can you provide a copy of the Globe and Mail article in which the TPA Chairman noted that the BBTCA will not go beyond 202 slots?

A3: The Chairman of the Board of the TPA had prepared the following statement in response to the Globe and Mail article, that quoted the head of Porter. “The president of Porter does not speak for the TPA. TPA has just gone through a capacity review, including a detailed NEF Contour study, and have worked with the community on a noise mitigation strategy. That process is now complete, and we have no plans to add additional slots.”

This statement was not used in any publication, however, the TPA Board and staff stand behind this statement.

Q4: Can you verify if contact information, specifically email addresses, provided during sign-in at public meetings are being used to distribute meeting notices and related information?

A4: According to Dillon Consulting, all those who left their contact information with the TPA was advised via email in mid-November, after the news release issued by the TPA, of the November 30 meeting.

It should be noted as well that all four major English-language dailies ran the TPA’s advertisements on November 17, the same day that they each carried a news story.

Q5: How can I be added to your mailing list?

A5: Anyone who wants to be added to the mailing list should email [email protected]. We also post all information on The TPA News facebook page, and are on Twitter.

Q6: Can you provide information about the elevation of the receptors used for the air quality and noise studies

A6: The noise receptors were located at ground or grade-level because the NEF contours are based on at-grade sound levels. For the air quality assessment some of the receptor locations were elevated wherever there were multi-storey buildings, this is to reflect various levels of living/working spaces.

Q7: Can you provide a written statement indicating that the TPA owns all the land required to proceed with this project and build the tunnel?

A7: The TPA owns the land that would be required to build the Project's infrastructure (with a small portion of the perimeter road on leased land), and will continue to lease land on the mainland side that is used for access.

Q8: Can you provide the air quality report and the noise study to the public via the TPA website?

A8: Yes. The TPA will be posting it on its website,, in the Airport News section in the week of December 20.

Q9: Can you commit to provide all meeting materials and relevant reports prior to each public meeting?

A9: Yes, we are committed to providing all relevant information to the public in a timely way. We released the draft report on the environmental assessment for the tunnel, two weeks ahead of the November 30 public meeting. This is standard practice.

Q10: Can you provide hard copies of the draft report?

A10: Yes. We would prefer that you download the report from our website from an environmental point of view, however, we do have a limited number of hard copies and CDs that are available. Please contact us at the above email address to obtain copies.