Construction in Toronto Harbour
Under the Toronto Port Authority’s Practices and Procedures, any construction in, on, over, under, through or across the water in the Port and Harbour of Toronto must be approved and authorized by the Harbour Master.
An Application for Construction may be obtained from the Harbour Master’s office. Along with the application form, specific insurance with “The Toronto Port Authority and His Majesty in Right of Canada” added as additional insureds must be provided, along with a safety plan, waiver and proof of permission under the Navigable Waters Protection Act, if applicable.
Construction drawings and a schedule of work are to be included for review by the TPA’s engineers.
The standard application fee is $2,000.00 plus HST.
Call the Office of the Harbour Master at 416-462-3937 for more information. Without the Harbour Master’s Authorization, any type of construction, dredging, excavating or removing of any material within the jurisdiction of the Toronto Port Authority is prohibited, and by order anyone doing so may be prosecuted.
Harbour Master of the Port of Toronto
Want to download forms? You can find, download and fill out the Application for Construction and Waiver in the Forms section of our site.