Diving Activities in Toronto Harbour
In accordance with the Toronto Port Authority’s Operating Regulations, anyone wishing to carry out any diving activities within the jurisdiction of the Port of Toronto, including recreational or commercial diving, must first obtain authorization from the Toronto Port Authority through the submission of an Application for Authorization of Underwater Diving form. As such, commercial divers, as part of the application, are to provide proof of insurance (Commercial General Liability) naming “The Toronto Port Authority and His Majesty in Right of Canada” as additional insured and to complete a Underwater Diving Permission (18 years of age or over) Conditions, Waiver & Indemnity form signed and witnessed on behalf of the company.
Insurance is not required from individual pleasure divers but they are required to sign a Underwater Diving Permission (18 years of age or over) Conditions, Waiver & Indemnity with the Toronto Port Authority, and have that waiver witnessed.
The standard administration fee for diving activities is $20.00 + HST per calendar year (January 1 to December 31) per individual, and $100.00 plus HST per calendar year for commercial diving companies. Please make your cheque payable to the Toronto Port Authority or telephone 416-462-3937 and provide a Visa or MasterCard number.
Diving in the jurisdiction of the Toronto Port Authority without permission is an offence under the Canada Marine Act, and this will be enforced.
All of the above information is to be sent to the office of the Harbour Master by fax to 416-462-1612 or e-mail to [email protected]. You can call the Office of the Harbour Master at 416-462-3937 for payment information and further detailed instructions.
It is a condition of permission that the Toronto Police Services Marine Unit be contacted with time and location of each and every diving activity taking place in Toronto Harbour.
Harbour Master of the Port of Toronto
Want to download forms? You can find, download and fill them out in the Forms section of our site.