Mooring In The Port Of Toronto – Eastern Area
The policy of the Toronto Port Authority (TPA) is that there shall be no recreational activity in the Ship Channel or around commercial berths in the Eastern Area of the Port. This policy does not affect yacht clubs.
Since the construction of the Spadina Marina and for navigational safety reasons, it has been the policy of the TPA to discourage the development of additional recreational mooring facilities in the Inner Harbour. The eastern slips and the Ship Channel represent the last remaining port infrastructure available to the TPA to fulfill its mandate. Therefore, it is the policy of the TPA to encourage uses along the slips that are compatible with a commercial port, and prohibit those that are not.
Mooring of recreational boats is not a compatible use. Neither is the mooring of other types of vessels or of miscellaneous floats (such as barges) that would interfere with efficient and safe navigation for large commercial vessels.
The East Gap is the main harbour entrance for commercial vessels, and prevailing winds in the harbour are from a westerly direction. This has the effect, on windy days, of making navigation potentially hazardous in the vicinity of the eastern slips.
The Harbour Master of the Port of Toronto has the authority and the power to determine where mooring shall or shall not take place. Any requirements for mooring should be pursued with the Harbour Master before any private arrangements are made.
Harbour Master of the Port of Toronto