Construction Permits
The PortsToronto construction permit process reviews all proposed developments and construction on PortsToronto’s lands to ensure compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, while providing physical, operational, economic, social and environmental benefits.
Construction projects on PortsToronto lands, including demolition and alterations to existing facilities, must follow the Project Planning Approval (PPA) and Facility Alteration Permit (FAP) processes.
No construction or demolition work can occur at PortsToronto’s properties without a permit issued by PortsToronto. Work conducted without an approved permit may be shut down by PortsToronto.
Please refer to PortsToronto Facility Alteration Permit Guide (FAP Guide) for additional information.
If you have any questions related to the Project Planning Approval (PPA) and Facility Alteration Permit (FAP) process, please contact [email protected].
All parties –whether they are tenants on PortsToronto properties, a representative of PortsToronto, or a third party working on PortsToronto properties – need to apply. The applicant may be the contractor doing the work, the business entity for whom the work is being done, or an outside representative acting on behalf of the business entity.
Project Planning Approval
A party seeking to construct, change or demolish a structure on PortsToronto property requires a development permit. Please see the FAP Guide and Project Planning Application (PPA) form for additional information. The PPA must be submitted along with the required supporting documents. The PPA is typically submitted at the project planning and conceptual design stages to ensure sufficient information is provided for PortsToronto’s review and approval, and is a requirement for every FAP application.
Contact our Permit Office for any questions you may have concerning your PPA application at: [email protected].
Facility Alteration Permit
All construction projects that involve any changes to PortsToronto property are required to obtain a Facility Alteration Permit (FAP) prior to the start of construction. The applicant should prepare proper documentation and sufficient information about what is being proposed and how it is to be constructed. This will streamline the application review process. The project applicant is responsible for obtaining all the necessary approvals and permits, and to ensure that its proposed project conforms to the applicable codes and standards of PortsToronto. For more information on the FAP process requirements, see PortsToronto FAP Guide or contact the Permit Office for any questions you may have concerning your application at [email protected].
Together with the FAP Application form, issued for construction documents signed and sealed by the licensed professionals must be submitted demonstrating compliance with the Building Codes and other Applicable Codes and Standards. This includes work within leased buildings and spaces, water lots and water.
Please refer to PortsToronto Facility Alteration Permit Guide (FAP Guide) for additional information.
If you have any questions related to the Project Planning Approval (PPA) and Facility Alteration Permit (FAP) process, please contact [email protected].
Refer to the PortsToronto FAP Guide for the process details and all forms required. Ensure all required documentation is properly submitted to avoid any delays in processing. The project applicant is responsible for identifying and obtaining any additional approvals that are mandatory for their project. Sufficient time should be allowed in the construction schedule for processing.
Submit complete PPA and FAP applications to [email protected].
Applicant should submit the completed FAP Application form to the Permit Office. This can be sent via email to [email protected].and should be accompanied by the following:
- Electronic copy of all the “Issued for Construction” Design Documents – sealed and signed drawings, scope of work, specifications, etc.*
- Completed “General Review Commitment Certificates” – sealed and signed for each professional discipline involved.
- Letter of Undertaking
- Contractor’s Project Specific Safety Plan, NOP and Form 1000.
- Copy of a fee payment confirmation.
*Please ensure to include as part of the FAP application a Letter of Transmittal, listing each drawing submitted. If the size of the design documents submittal exceeds 10MB, applicant should reach out to the Permit Office and in order to obtain a link to upload the documents.
Additional submissions for specific operational permits and/or construction notices may be required in addition to the FAP application. Details on how to obtain these documents will be provided when applying for the FAP.
Most FAP permits take fourteen (14) calendar days to process, however complex projects or Project Planning Approval applications may take up to (30) calendar days to process. Incomplete applications may include requests for re-submission and longer processing times.
Applicants are urged to allow sufficient time in their project schedule for the review and approval of the proposed construction.
FAP application processing fees can be paid using Credit Card. In case Applicant prefers to pay the fees for processing FAP application via bank-transfer, please reach out to [email protected]. for further instruction. Refer to FAP Guide for schedule of fees.
Copy of payment confirmation will be required as part of Applicant’s FAP submittal.
FAP Guide and Forms
Independent Forms
- Project Planning Approval (PPA) Application Form V2.0
- Facility Alteration Permit (FAP) Application Form V2.0
- Letter of Undertaking by Tenant Form V2.0
- Assurance of Professional Review Form V2.0
- General Review Commitment Certificate Form V2.0
- Hot Work Form V2.1 – MTP and OHM
- Hot Work Form V2.0 – BBTCA
- Notice of Work Form V2.0
- Request for Inspection Form V2.0