Filming Opportunities
Daily Rate
The daily rate is based on a 12-hour day and rates on this page do not include HST*. Time in excess of 12 hours will be charged at an hourly rate.
- Filming – $300 hourly rate for time excess of 12 hours
- Prep / Wrap Days – 50 per cent of Daily Rate.
- Photography 12-hour day – rates dependent upon size of crew and set-up
Location Charges (Daily Rate)
Operational Areas
Cruise Ship Terminal (IMPT) | $3,500 |
Marine Terminal No.51/Warehouse 52 | $2,500 |
Outer Harbour Marina | $2,500 |
Ship Channel Bridge and Approaches | $2,500 |
Water – Port and Harbour of Toronto
Additional requirements
- Harbour Master’s Authorization ($200 plus HST). Contact Harbour Master’s Office (416) 462-3937 for permission to film on water
- Contact Toronto Police Services Marine Unit (416) 808-5800
Administration/Management Fee
An Administration/Management fee is applied to all productions on PortsToronto property.
The fee ranges from $850 to $1,800 depending on the number of film, prep & wrap days.
Additional Charges
Security is mandatory for all filming/photography activities on PortsToronto property. The fee is $43.00 per hour for each security officer (4-hour minimum).
Disruption Charges may also apply at the discretion of the department manager based on PortsToronto’s operations and the size/location of the film or photography activity.
*HST will be applied to all rates, fees and additional charges.
The film company shall agree to purchase and maintain throughout the period of the license, insurance which shall be in a form and to such limits as are satisfactory to PortsToronto and which shall be filed with the PortsToronto’s Vice President & Chief Financial Officer for review and approval.
The insurance shall not be less than:
1). Commercial General Liability Insurance for a limit of not less than five million ($5,000,000) dollars;
In addition to “CGL”, when “inside a building” please add:
2). “Broad Form” / “All Risks” Tenant’s Liability Insurance for not less than two million ($2,000,0000) dollars.
To comply with the insurance clause, the policies shall:
a. be examined and approved by the PortsToronto’s Vice President & Chief Financial Officer prior to the commencement of the license;
b. add the Toronto Port Authority and His Majesty in right of Canada as additional insured;
c. contain a cross liability clause protecting each as if separately insured;
d. be primary to any other insurance upon the same risk;
e. Cancellation Clause – include providing thirty (30) days’ notice of cancellation or material change in cover, unless the license is for less than thirty (30) days, in which case the notice shall be of a period not less than the duration of the license; remove the words “will endeavor to mail” and change to “will mail” notice of cancellation of insurance;
f. state the described policy does not preclude contractual waiver of claims; and,
g. identify the area or location of the film activity and date(s) of film shoot.
If a Film Company has their own staff/department providing “special effects” etc., the “Insurance Certificate” must have “specific wording” indicating that their insurance policy covers special effects, film stunts, pyrotechnics, gunfire & explosives, etc.
If the Film Company contract a “Special Effects Company” to provide special effects as part of the filming and filming-related activities, the Special Effects Company must provide their own Certificate of Insurance with “all” the above requirements; in particular, Commercial General Liability cover of not less than Five Million dollars ($5,000,000). Also, the Certificate must have “specific wording” indicating that their insurance policy covers special effects, stunts, pyrotechnics, gunfire & explosives, etc.
For the purpose of fulfilling these requirements, certificates of insurance will be accepted as substitutes for the policies of insurance on condition that the foregoing requirements are listed thereon.
Want to film at one (or more) of our locations? Download an application or contact:
Michael Riehl
Tel: (416) 462-1227
Fax: (416) 462-1612
Airport Filming Inquires
Please email [email protected] for airport filming inquires.